Fifty recently told XXL magazine “Nas is cold as ice. Nas is the block of ice that sunk the Titanic… I didn’t even hear his record. I didn’t even hear what you talking about."
Fifty refuses to get caught up in a lyrical battle claiming that he hasn't even heard Nas' "Queens get the Money" since it is so beneath him.
"I really don’t want to talk about Nas. I think he’s at one of those points to where his career’s finished, to be honest."
"He’s had some great moments and made good music in the past, but he no longer has the interest of the general public or myself”.
My question is though... if you haven't even "heard the record" then how can you comment?
I disagree... regardless I was only feelin a few songs off Nas' last album, I think he has a long way to go before his career is "finished".
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